By Candace Boggan

Posts tagged “soar

How Do We Reach New Heights?

I read a pretty amazing quote yesterday. “During the growth process you will experience events that help you soar to new heights.” As I read those words, I thought to myself  about my most recent trip to St. Maarten. While there, I got the opportunity to visit Maho Beach. If you haven’t heard or experienced what it’s like at this particular beach, I am pleased to fill you in. At first sight it appears relatively normal; there’s sand, the ocean, people sprawled across the beach and tons of activity in and around the area, but it’s what happens next, that will amaze you the most. Located just steps away from Princess Juliana International Airport, beach goers get the chance to complete what feels like a physical inspection to the undercarriage of incoming airplanes. Yep, they fly just above your head! It’s incredible.

While scrolling through my images from last week, I thought back to the above noted quote. I remembered how it was a chore, trying to capture just the “right” angle. I found myself performing a balancing act upon the edge of the concrete road, which outlines the beach. The scary part was that while doing so, incoming vehicles many of which hugged the curve rather closely, were speeding hastily towards…me, in route to the airport. However, it was the elevation of the curb that enabled me to get the shot.

Life is like this. In order to reach the peaks of mountains, you have to ascend. Of course it’s beautiful below, but ahh that feeling of gazing down upon a city or massive body of water is completely different from up above. I’m sure we’d all agree that none of this can be accomplished without some hurdles. Whether you’re trekking up the side of a mountain, or trying to balance yourself upon a steep curb for a picture, it will require some work and discipline on your part. I’d like to think that my 8 years of ballet kicked in, but some of it was utter determination.  We must realize there’s no way to reach the peak without making the climb.  Yes, you could technically take a helicopter ride, but think of all that you’d miss on the climb up???

If you find yourself in a difficult place today, remember that the current events are merely part of the process. They’re training and equipping you for the new view to come. There is purpose in preparation that readies you to soar! Stick to it and enjoy the journey up. You’ll find some pretty amazing views along the way to the top.

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My view from the curb…Maho Beach, St. Maarten


My elevated view from atop…St. Maarten